The Private Healing Practice
of Stacie Cox

About Me
I am a Licensed Psychotherapist, Licensed Advanced Alcohol & Drug Counselor, Internationally Certified Advanced Alcohol & Drug, Certified Life Coach & Recovery Coach, Certified Hypnotherapist, and a Consultant, with approximately 30 years experience working in the counseling and recovery field in both the United States and the United Kingdom.

“We can’t become what we need to be by remaining what we are.”
– Oprah Winfrey
My Services
I provide 50 minute, 75 minute, or 110 minute Therapy sessions that are offered in person, or by phone, Zoom, Skype, or FaceTime.
Therapy for Individuals, Couples or Families:
Therapy usually involves working on issues that are imbedded in the past that have been creating continuous negative patterns in all or most areas of a client’s life. Resolving conflict from the past may be the only way to progress forward. Once clients are able to move through past-related issues, the focus becomes on the present and future...
Life Coaching for Individuals or Couples:
Life Coaching involves more of an equal partnership between coach and client -- a process of inquiry that empowers clients to reconnect with their own inner wisdom, to find their own answers and to rediscover powerful moments of choice where self- transformation occurs. It creates a bridge from where you are to where you want to be in your life...
Recovery Coaching for Individuals:
Recovery coaching, is like Life Coaching in how it’s modality functions. Recovery Coaching specifically targets clients who have been sober for a minimum of 30 days. With Recovery Coaching, however, the focus is on the client maintaining sobriety while connecting to personal development values, a life purpose, and a life vision...
Clinical Hypnotherapy:
I provide 50 minutes sessions that are offered for this service. Hypnotherapy involves putting the client in an altered state to accept positive suggestions supporting the client’s goal(s). This technique taps into the unconscious mind to release emotional blocks and/or limiting beliefs that have, in the past, impeded the client's personal growth. This empowering process allows the client to move through barriers and to reach their goals based on their own definition of success...

“A ship in harbor is safe - but that is not what ships are built for.”
– John A. Shedd
Haely W.
Stacie has been a godsend for me. I've been working with her for almost 3 years now and met her in the midst of a time when I really needed guidance...
Fuji F.
Stacie Cox embraces empowerment. Her commitment to transformation, wellness, and balanced living is fierce. She lives and practices what she teaches and shares with others...
Mandy C.
I have been receiving therapy from Stacie on and off since 2008 and I can truly say I have become a better version of myself from all the work I have done with her. I have had huge life obstacles during our time together...